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2 Articles

FODMAPs: food composition, defining cutoff values and international application

by luciano

The low-FODMAP diet is a new dietary therapy for the management of irritable bowel syndrome that is gaining in popularity around the world. Developing the low-FODMAP diet required not only extensive food composition data but also the establishment of “cutoff values” to classify foods as low-FODMAP. These cutoff values relate to each particular FODMAP present in a food, including oligosaccharides (fructans and galacto- oligosaccharides), sugar polyols (mannitol and sorbitol), lactose, and fructose in excess of glucose. Cutoff values were derived by considering the FODMAP levels in typical serving sizes of foods that commonly trigger symptoms in individuals with irritable bowel syndrome, as well as foods that were generally well tolerated. The reliability of these FODMAP cutoff values has been tested in a number of dietary studies. The development of the techniques to quantify the FODMAP content of foods has greatly advanced our understanding of food composition. FODMAP composition is affected by food processing techniques and ingredient selection. In the USA, the use of high-fructose corn syrups may contribute to the higher FODMAP levels detected (via excess fructose) in some processed foods. Because food processing techniques and ingredients can vary between countries, more comprehensive food composition data are needed for this diet to be more easily implemented internationally.

Extrat from the study:
A – “ omissis The Monash University Department of Gastroenterology has performed extensive work for over 10 years to quantify the FODMAP composition of hundreds of foods. Foods tested for FODMAP content represent a range of categories, including fruit and vegetables; grains, cereals, pulses, nuts, and seeds; dairy products and dairy free alternatives; meat, fish, poultry, and eggs; fats and oils; beverages; and condiments and confectionary. Some of these data have been published previously (12 -14) and are summarized in Figs 1 and 2. With growing international interest in the low-FODMAP diet, our program of FODMAP food analysis is expanding to include more international foods. This paper will dis- cuss the criteria for classifying food as low in FODMAPs and the challenges encountered in analysing food for FODMAP content.