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Semi-wholemeal einkorn wheat flour bread 09-12-2021

by luciano

The test was carried out with the same method illustrated several times on the site (1):
Preferment (sponge) (2): semi-wholemeal einkorn wheat flour (passing through a 600 micron sieve), sourdough in liquid form of einkorn wheat (same as the dough), brewer’s yeast in very limited quantities as a starter, water.

Final dough: preferment, einkorn wheat flour (passing through a 600 micron sieve), sourdough in liquid form of einkorn wheat (same as the dough), brewer’s yeast in very limited quantities as a starter, extra virgin olive oil, malt, salt, water.
We obtained a very fragrant bread, with an accentuated flavor of wheat, but above all with an excellent texture and very digestible.
The long maturation with the sourdough (always made with the some einkorn wheat) has allowed us to achieve these results.
The hydrolysis of gluten by the sourdough is clearly visible in Photo n. 1: after the very long cold maturation (5 degrees) and the subsequent heating up to 19-20 degrees, the dough has an underdeveloped, indeed “deteriorated” gluten network. The formation of the “loaf” or “roll” with the usual technique is not possible, the dough does not lend itself to “modeling”. A ball or roll is therefore made for final proof in a basket (Photo N. 2). Photo No. 3 shows the dough at the end of leavening ready for the oven; the surface does not appear homogeneous or elastic. The result Photo NN. 4 and 5 show the success of the test and above all the photos NN. 6, 7, 8, 9 are tangible proof of the excellent result of the texture which presents a disordered crumb in the distribution of the holes but definitely present: the bread is not compact at all. Looking at the state of the dough (Photo N.1) it would not seem possible to obtain the result shown in photo n9!.

Photo n. 1

Einkorn wheat flour dough

by luciano

The dough for bread with einkorn wheat presents some difficulties due both to the fact that it is low in gluten and, above all, because it is a weak gluten that develops a limited gluten network.
We publish a video of the behavior of the phase in which a final dough * for bread with einkorn wheat is worked with a “fork” type mixer, contrasting it with a final dough made with other wheat (Timilia).
The difference in the behavior of the two different doughs is substantial.

Both doughs were made with the same method:

Einkorn wheat pre-dough: einkorn wheat flour, sourdough in liquid form of einkorn wheat (same as the dough), very limited quantities of brewer’s yeast as a starter, water.

Final dough of einkorn wheat: pre-dough, einkorn wheat flour, sourdough in liquid form of einkorn wheat (same as the dough), brewer’s yeast in very limited quantities as a starter, extra virgin olive oil, malt, salt, water.

Timilia wheat pre-dough: Timilia wheat flour, sourdough in liquid form of einkorn wheat (the same as the previous dough), very limited quantities of brewer’s yeast as a starter, water.

Final dough of Timilia wheat: pre-dough, Timilia wheat flour, sourdough in liquid form of monococcus wheat (the same as the previous dough), brewer’s yeast in very limited quantities as a starter, extra virgin olive oil, malt, salt, water.

NO additives or improvers were used.
Both flours were of the semi-wholemeal type (passing 600 microns sieve ).

The videos show how the Timilia wheat mixture is more homogeneous and “formable” and less “sticky” than the other. The difference is due to the different gluten: the more “performing” one generated by Timilia wheat. From the two videos it is possible to see the traces that the einkorn wheat mixture leaves in the mixer (further documented by photo “A”) absent in the case of the Timilia wheat.

Einkorn flour will never give easy, homogeneous elastic doughs unless the einkorn has been “domesticated”, for example with nitrogen fertilizers.

Video about Einkorn: https://youtu.be/Wugt9OrbMzQ

Video about “Timilia” : https://youtu.be/LYcnmdNtuxU

Photo “A”

Einkorn: christmas spells

by luciano

(for a finally normal 2021!)
A test for the realization of a very particular product: the carasau bread (puff bread) of pure einkorn wheat. A not easy realization considering the rheological characteristics of the einkorn wheat: little gluten and also weak. The dough has very little elasticity and cannot be manipulated for long because the gluten network breaks down. Method chosen: this test was carried out using the method (increasing the quantity of the pre-ferment) of the pre-ferment followed by the final dough already used for the bread.
Furthermore the method was adapted for a home preparation, so without the use – for example – of a a retarder prover. Times and temperatures have been defined for a semi-wholemeal einkorn flour (a flour through a 600 micron sieve), stone-ground flour, produced by “I grani di Atlantide” di Lorenzo Moi” 2019 harvest.
The “W” index of this flour is modest, placing itself below the value of 50. This clarification is necessary, because especially times and temperatures vary according to the flour (type and harvest) and its degree of refining (quantity of bran present). The method is for expert people”.

Idratation 55% 900 =545gr. (500gr. wtater + LiCoLi whater 45gr. )

ATI (Amylase/trypsin-inhibitors) (Second part)

by luciano

Anti nutritional factors in cereals, especially amylase trypsin inhibitors, affecting digestibility.
“Anti nutritional factors (ANF) play an important role in cereals to protect against infestation and animal consumption. From an agronomic point of view these pest barriers are beneficial as the required pest control measures (chemical pesticides, storage facilities) is relatively limited.
From a health point of view a large group of ANF, the ATI are of special interest as they may impact digestion in multiple ways, e.g. they:
• can reduce digestibility of food directly by inhibition of enzymes from the digestive tract (human and microbiome; Weegels 1994),
• can increase the load of allergenic peptide presented to the small intestine, thus (così) increasing the allergenic and inflammation reactions (Junker et al. 2012; Zevallos et al 2014)
• complexation  behavior may strongly interact with the small intestine epithelium that can cause inflammation by itself (Zevallos et al 2014)
• are the not yet completely understood cause of Bakers asthma (asma), the major labour related allergy (Stobnicka and Górny, 2015)
• can increase the load of non digested peptides and carbohydrates especially of non-starch polysaccharides (FODMAPS) that are a major cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which affects 7% to 21% of the general population (Chey et al 2015)
• may impact the microbiome itself. This is not established in detail
From a food processing point of view ATI’s play a negative role as they inhibit enzymes that are added as processing aids for improved processing and bread quality. This reduces processing effectiveness and quality control of cereal based products.
Understanding the role of ATI in cereals food processing and food digestion and mitigation of the negative effects is therefor (perciò) of prime importance for food safety, security and sustainability.
An interesting way to mitigate the effect of ATI could be by altering its molecular structure that is stabilised by the large number of disulphide bonds (5-6 on ca. 14 kDa; Buchanan et al 1997)”. “https://www.wur.nl/en/Research-Results/Chair-groups/Agrotechnology-and-Food-Sciences/Laboratory-of-Food-Chemistry/Research/Themes/Technology-of-cereal-foods-digestibility.htm”


Nutritional quality of Gluten-fre diet

by luciano

“Background & aims: The only available treatment for celiac disease (CD) is lifelong adherence to gluten free (GF)-diet. However, GF-diet may lead to possible nutrient unbalance resulting in improper nutritional quality of diet. The aim of this study is to evaluate the nutritional quality of GF-diet. Methods: MEDLINE(®)/PubMed and Cochrane Library were electronically searched for articles published between 1990/01/01 and 2015/09/01.
Results: GF-diet was found to be poor in alimentary fiber due in particular to the necessary avoidance of several kinds of foods naturally rich in fiber (i.e. grain) and the low content of fiber of GF product that are usually made with starches and/or refined flours. Micronutrients are also found to be poor, in particular Vit. D, Vit. B12 and folate, in addition to some minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium. Moreover, an inadequate macronutrient intake was reported related above all to the focus on the avoidance of gluten that often leaving back the importance of nutritional quality of the choice. In particular, it was found a higher content of both saturated and hydrogenated fatty acids and an increase in the glycemic index and glycemic load of the meal.” Gluten free diet and nutrient deficiencies: A review. Giorgia Vici May 2016 Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) 35(6) DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2016.05.002

Kywords: gluten-free, saturated fatty acids, hydrogenated fatty acids, glycemic index, glycemic load,